Review Of The Greyhound Racing Act 2009

The NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR) is reviewing the Greyhound Racing Act 2009 pursuant to section 49 of that Act. The purpose of the review is to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate for securing those objectives.

While the Act does not have provisions which expressly state its objectives, the Act principally provides for the constitution of Greyhound Racing NSW as the industry’s controlling body, the functions and the powers of that body, the constitution of an industry consultation group (GRICG) and the appointment of a Greyhound Racing Integrity Auditor.

The full Act can be viewed at the NSW legislation website

A discussion paper prepared to assist submitters with the preparation of their contribution to the review can be accessed at the OLGR website or a copy can be requested via email at

OLGR invites interested individuals and organisations to make written submissions to the review. Submission should be sent to: The Coordinating Officer, Greyhound Racing Act Review, Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, GPO Box 7060, SYDNEY NSW 2001 or

All submissions will be treated as public and may be published as part of the review report, unless advised by the submission maker or it is determined during the review that all or part of a submission should be treated as confidential.

The closing date for submissions is now 13 February 2015.