Richmond Fundraiser A Huge Success


Big-hearted greyhound racing supporters have helped raise almost $40,000 for two of the sport’s popular stalwarts.

Richmond Greyhound  Racing Club’s special fundraising evening in aid of Steve and Pauline Moran proved a huge success, Collecting much-needed funds for the popular couple.

The event, which took place alongside the club's regular race meeting last Saturday night, featured a variety of entertainment.

Club general manager Wayne Billett said he was "proud" with the support offered to the Morans, who are both suffering from ill-health.

"I'm absolutely delighted," he said. "It was an exceptional event.

"I'm very proud that the industry has supported one of their own like this and proud that out club was involved.

"The greyhound racing industry does attract criticism for all sorts of reasons sometimes but this has shown the good side of the sport."

Trainers offered the services of prominent sires, including Wentworth Park 520m record-holder Shakey Jakey, Lochinar Marlow and others, among several auction items on offer.

Pups, signed rugby league jerseys, vouchers and other goodies were also up for grabs.

The event also featured a monster raffle, with prizes including a flat screen TV, washing machine and other sought-after items.

A total of $37, 762 was raised on the night, with all the funds donated to the couple to help with medical expenses.

Billett thanked everyone who had helped organise and assist the night.