Richmond Race Club Fundraiser


Greyhound racing supporters can stake their claim for top prizes and help raise funds for two of the sport's popular stalwarts.

Services from leading sires, valuable electrical goods, signed sporting items and  lots of other sought-after items will be up for grabs at Richmond Race Club’s forthcoming fundraising evening.

All proceeds from the event will be donated to greyhound racing couple Steve and Pauline Moran, who are both currently suffering ill-health.

Club general manager Wayne Billett said the fundraiser, which takes place on Saturday, October 25 and has been organised by members of the local greyhound community, should be a cracker.

“There’s been a phenomenal response,” he said.

 “Pauline and Steve have been long-term supporters of the club.  We are delighted to help out with this event.

“Fingers crossed everyone can come along – the more the merrier.”

An impressive roster of prizes has been assembled for the fundraiser, which run as part of the club’s meeting on the same night.

Trainers are offering the services of prominent sires, including Wentworth Park 520m record-holder Shakey Jakey, Lochinar Marlow and others, among several auction items featuring.

Pups, signed rugby league jerseys, vouchers and other goodies will also be up for grabs.

A monster raffle will also be held, with prizes including a flat screen TV, washing machine and other items.

Monies collected from the event will help support the Morans and their family.

Billett thanked everyone who had helped organise and assist the night.

For more information on the fundraiser, contact the Londonderry Road club on 4578 2136.