Stewards Rule On Kempsey Incident


Greyhound Racing NSW stewards have concluded an inquiry into allegations of misconduct said to have occurred at the Kempsey & Macleay Greyhound Racing Club during the course of the meeting conducted on 23 August 2014.

It was alleged by Kempsey & Macleay Greyhound Racing Club Steward Rex Nairn that in two separate incidents offensive language inclusive of expletives had been directed to him firstly by licensed participant Shane Watkin and then later in the afternoon by his mother, licensed participant Shirley Watkin.

The inquiry was heard at the Kempsey & Macleay Greyhound Racing Club on Friday 19 September 2014. Evidence was taken from Mr Nairn, Mr Watkin, Ms Watkin, Kempsey & Macleay Greyhound Racing Club Secretary Vicki Byrnes, race day employee Dan Simonetta, licensed trainer Maureen Campbell, Craig Sherwood and Jake Miller.

During the course of the inquiry Mr Watkin admitted engaging in offensive language, however, claimed this was directed at an associate and not Mr Nairn. Ms Watkin denied uttering any expletive to Mr Nairn, however, did concede in conversation with Ms Campbell to using inappropriate language in reference to another trainer.

The tendered evidence did not support the allegations by Mr Nairn.

Both Mr Watkin and Ms Watkin were charged with a breach of Gar 86 (o) in that their behaviour constituted misconduct in that both used inappropriate language at a race meeting. Mr Watkin and Ms Watkin pleaded guilty to the charge.

With respect to penalty for Ms Watkin, stewards invoked Gar 98 (1) (b), whereby it was determined that, despite the finding of guilt, no penalty was appropriate.

Stewards also applied Gar 98 (2) in that the discharging of the offence was conditional on no further breach of Gar 86 (o) for a six month period. In determining the penalty, stewards gave strong weight to Ms Watkin’s unblemished 47 year period of registration, her guilty plea, and the fact Ms Campbell was the only person privy to Ms Watkin’s comments.

Mr Watkin was fined the amount of $200. In determining penalty stewards took into consideration Mr Watkin’s guilty plea, his honorary work with the Taree Greyhound Racing Club, the poor public perception created by such conduct and the deterrence factor for such behaviour.

Mr Watkin and Ms Watkin were informed of their right of appeal.