Masters Racing To Start Shortly


GRNSW is introducing a new Masters racing category for greyhounds aged three-and-a-half years (42 months) and over from 1 September 2014, with races to be scheduled at all Tab tracks via a co-ordinated race program.

The introduction of a Masters racing category  will extend the career of NSW racing greyhounds and is aligned to GRNSW's commitment to greyhound welfare by maximising the racing opportunities for all NSW greyhounds.

As part of the ongoing development  of the Masters racing concept, GRNSW sought input from participants on draft Masters Grading guidelines across April and May 2014 via face-to-face information sessions at TAB tracks and written submissions.

GRNSW wishes to thank participants for their valued feedback and comments throughout the consultation process - a strong reflection of the passion evident within the sport of greyhound racing. The majority of the feedback focused on the commencement age with a view that it should be raised to four years.

With respect to the  starting age for Masters racing, a review of racing data for the last two seasons indicates that the current pool of 'older' (4 years) greyhounds is not large enough to sustain consistent racing across NSW initially.  A low initial pool could result in Masters events being unsustainable in some reasons or run with low field sizes.

As a result, the eligibility age will be initially maintained at 3.5 years. This will be reviewed after the first six months of Masters racing. The long term objective is to slowly increase the Masters age to 4 years of age as the pool of 'older' greyhounds grows to support such a transition.

GRNSW is currently working to integrate the Masters Grading Policy into the OzChase computer system to ensure the Grading Department is ready to grade Masters events from September 1, 2014.

GRNSW is also working on a detailed race program of Masters events that will provide continuity of racing opportunities for Masters-aged greyhounds. This will be released shortly. It is intended that there will be at least one Masters racing event programmed in each region of the state. As demand increases, the number of racing opportunities will be increased with a longer-term view of there being consistent Masters racing at each TAB race meeting.

Prize-money for the Masters category of racing has been placed between Tab B and C Grade 4 prize-money levels and will be the same level for all Masters grades.

GRNSW welcomes the support for the new category of racing and will continue to take feedback and suggestions on how to improve the grading of these events in the lead-up to the six-month review.