Marvellous Molly Goes For 14 At Casino

By Stuart Turner

Kingsbrae Molly’s racing career looked to have been cruelly ended before its time – but she’s become one of the stars at Casino.

The greyhound will be aiming to make it a remarkable 14 placings from 14 career starts at the Queen Elizabeth Park track on Friday in the Casino RSM Club Stakes (411m).

A highly promising pup and sister of champion sprinter Paw Licking, Kingsbrae Molly’s racing days seemed finished After she broke a leg early in her racing days.

After returning to fitness, she has become a handy if sporadic performer for trainer Charlie Northfield.

“She was going to be sensational, but it was not to be,” he said.

“She has still been a good dog for me and has a great record.”

Kingsbrae Molly placed in her first six races at Casino in an impressive start to her career for Northfield.

Her record included breaking the track record while finishing second to Paw Licking – who has become one of Australia’s best sprinters – in November 2012.

That was her last outing for almost a year, though, After sustaining the serious injury.

“We thought we would keep her as a brood bitch,” Northfield, who is based at Stratheden, said.

After a while she would not stop barking and wanting to have a run, so we gave her a go.

“Since then she’s been great.

“I certainly cannot complain with how she has gone.”

Kingsbrae Molly will start the race from box two, with Beaver’s Joy (box seven) looming as the biggest threat.

Northfield has another dog – Lunatic Bob – going from box one.

He has chalked up three consecutive placings but his record suggests he seems to go better from the outside.

“He can run, but he is a bit tardy out of the box,” Northfield said. “He’s not a good beginner.

“I think she could be gone before he gets organised, but if she makes any mistakes he could run her down.

“Beaver’s Joy is a good dog. He’s a fast beginner, although I’m not sure if he can cross them from there.

“I am confident Kingsbrae Molly can win again.”

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