Treatment Record Information Sessions Head North


More than 40 trainers attended last night's treatment records information session at Lismore which were conducted by the Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) Education Welfare and Veterinary Services unit.

The purpose of the session was to enable GRNSW to work with trainers to understand their requirements under R84A. GRNSW acknowledges that the methods of record keeping for treatments may vary between trainers, depending on the size of their operation. As such, the person in charge of a greyhound (e.g. the trainer) may keep treatment records in any format they desire, provided the required details outlined in Rule 84A are entered for each treatment.

Further sessions will also be conducted this week after kennelling at Thursday's Grafton meeting and Friday at Unibet Gardens.

Other sessions will be held at the following locations:

Maitland - Thursday 17 April

Dubbo - Thursday 1 May

More information on the new treatment records rule is available here.