Drynan Disqualified And Fined


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) stewards have completed an inquiry into analysts' reports that the urine samples taken from Unorthodox after the greyhound won Race 6 at the Wentworth Park meeting on 25 October 2013, had both been analysed and confirmed to contain the prohibited substance 5b-androstane-3a, 17b-diol at a concentration in excess of 10 ng/ml.

Evidence was taken from trainer Doreen Drynan and Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) Science Manager Dr Adam Cawley, with written evidence tendered from the ARFL, the Chem Centre WA, GRNSW and Ms Drynan.

Evidence given established that two days prior to the race in question Ms Drynan had authorised the injection of Unorthodox by her veterinary surgeon with 0.25 mls of testoprop, which is used to control oestrus in bitches. This evidence was consistent with the laboratory reports.

Ms Drynan subsequently pleaded guilty to a charge under Gar 83 (2) (a) in that she presented Unorthodox for the race in question other than free of any prohibited substance due to the urine sample taken from the greyhound after the race having been found to contain the prohibited substance 5b-androstane-3a, 17b-diol at a concentration in excess of 10 ng/ml.

Ms Drynan was subsequently disqualified for a period of three months and in addition fined $1,500. Under the provisions of Gar 95 (3) the disqualification was stayed in full for a period of 12 months, conditional upon Ms Drynan not incurring any offence under the prohibited substance rules in that time.

In considering penalty, stewards took into account Ms Drynan’s co-operation and contrition shown at the inquiry and upon notification of the error. Consideration was given in particular to her previously unblemished record in relation to having not breached the prohibited substance rules in 45 years of registration, her personal circumstances, the nature of the substance involved and other penalties in relation to such reports after the expiration of the leniency period that was in place following the introduction of the threshold for this substance, and that there had been no kennel support for the greyhound.

Also considered were the records of having more than 300 previously cleared samples taken from her greyhounds, the interests involved in her personal circumstances and the investment she maintains in greyhounds at her property.

Notwithstanding this, stewards considered that in all such circumstances a penalty should be imposed having reGard to the negligence involved and the adverse effects on greyhound racing’s image caused by such reports.

Unorthodox was disqualified from the race in question and the placings amended accordingly.